News and Announcements
Board Elections 2025
It’s time to prepare for the 2025 Delton Kellogg Little League Board Elections. Watch your email, Facebook, and our website for exact dates of meetings and locations. We need your help to make 2025 the best yet!
The following are the positions and the overview of each role. Some positions coordinate well with others and have been taken on by the same person.
President: Steve Farrah – Seeking Re-election
(a) Oversee the affairs of all elements of the league. The president should be the most informed officer of the league. Each president must know the regulations under which Little League operates and in authorizing the annual application for charter, binds all members of the league to faithfully observe the regulations.
(b) As the chief administrator, selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires and committees. As such, no person becomes a manager, coach, umpire or committee member without the approval of the president. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by the local league’s board of directors.
© Be the officer with whom Little League International maintains contact. The president also represents the league in the District organization, conducts the affairs of the DKLL and executes the policies established by the Board of Directors.
(d) Present a report of the condition of the DKLL at the Annual Meeting.
(e) Communicate to the Board of Directors such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the DKLL.
(f) Be responsible for the conduct of the DKLL in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League International, as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to the DKLL by that organization.
(g) Designate in writing other officers, if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of the DKLL such contracts and leases they may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board of Directors.
(h) Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the DKLL and report to the Board of Directors as circumstances warrant.
(i) With the assistance of the Vice Presidents and Player Agent and or other designated representatives, examine the application and support proof-of-age documents of every Member Player candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted for tryouts and selection.
Vice President: Stephanie Traut – Seeking Re-election
(a) Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided the President authorizes him or her or Board so to act. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of that office.
(b) Perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.
© Help with preparation and organization of the evaluation, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings.
(d) Help with preparation of the team rosters.
(e) First line of communication with all division directors, managers and coaching staff.
(f) Vice Presidents may manage, coach or umpire, provided they do not serve on the protest committee.
Secretary: Alyssa Osborne – Seeking Re-election
(a) Be responsible for recording the activities of the DKLL and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.
(b) Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
© Maintain a list of all Regular, Sustaining and Honorary Members, Directors and Committee members and give notice of all meetings of the DKLL, the Board of Directors and Committees.
(d) Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors, and record in a document accessible to the membership.
(e) Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated In connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed.
(f) Notify Members, Directors, Officers and committee members of their election or appointment.
Treasurer: Ashlee Allersma – Seeking Re-election
(a) Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
(b) Receive all monies and securities, and deposit it in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.
© Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the DKLL approved payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors.
(d) Prepare an annual financial report, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Membership and Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting, and to Little League Headquarters.
Player Agent (One for each Baseball, Softball and T-Ball):
Baseball: Corey Teinert – Seeking Re-election
Softball: Lindsey Shaver – Seeking Re-election
(a) Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.
(b) Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President In verifying residence and age eligibility.
© Conduct the tryouts, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings.
(d) Prepares the team rosters.
(e) Supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to and from Minor leagues according to provisions of the regulation of Little League International.
(f) Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players’ claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.
(g) Notify Little League Headquarters of any subsequent roster changes.
(h) Provides teams with practice schedule based on field availability.
Safety Officer: Thor Brandli – Seeking Re-election
(a) Be responsible for creating safety awareness, through education and information, and to provide a safe environment for children and all participants of DKLL.
(b) Develop and implement a plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting.
© NOTE: In order to implement a safety plan using education, compliance and reporting, the following suggestions may be utilized by the Safety Officer:
1. Education – Should facilitate meetings and distribute information among participants including players, managers, coaches, umpires, league officials, parents, guardians and other volunteers.
2. Compliance – Should promote safety compliance leadership by increasing awareness of the safety opportunities that arise from these responsibilities.
3. Reporting – Define a process to assure that incidents are recorded, information is sent to the league’s district and national offices, and follow-up information on medical and other data is forwarded as available.
Information Officer/Webmaster: Tiffany Bever – Not Seeking Re-election
(a) Manage the league’s official home page
(b) If on-line registration is used, manage the online registration process and ensure that league rosters are maintained on the site.
© Assign administrative rights to league volunteers and teams,
(d) Collect, posts and distributes important information on League activities.
(e) Serve as primary contact person for Little League regarding optimizing use of the Internet for league administration and for distributing information to league members and to Little League International, and displays enthusiasm for using the Internet for league administration, for sharing information and for creating a more enjoyable and efficient Little League experience.
Umpire in Chief: VACANT
(a) Be responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of the game.
(b) Communicate any special ground rules to all DKLL umpires.
© Be responsible for ensuring umpires are teaching players good sportsmanship and the rules of the game.
(d) Umpire in chief may be called upon to interpret rules and help settle minor disputes that may occur during games.
Sponsorship/Uniform Officer: Stephanie Traut – Seeking Re-election
(a) Secure sponsorship for all teams.
(b) Assign sponsors to banners or teams as requested by the sponsor.
© Collect any artwork needed from the sponsor for the supplier.
(d) Work with the uniform supplier to assign sponsors to each team.
(e) Choose colors for each team’s uniforms.
Equipment Manager – Stephanie Traut – Seeking Re-election
(a) Distribute baseball/softball/t-ball equipment bags to each team in the League. Ensure the coach is documented of whom has the equipment.
(b) At the end of the season collect each equipment bag.
© At the season’s end coordinate volunteers and choose a date to inventory the equipment bags and equipment room.
(d) Place orders for any equipment needed by DKLL before, during, and after the season.
(e) Supply coaches with any additional equipment as requested throughout the season.
(f) Ensure field equipment is available and meets safety protocols. Includes but not limited to face masks, chest protectors,
Fiend Maintenance Manager – Thor Brandli – Seeking Re-election
(a) Ensure in combination with the board of directors that the fields are prepared to play on prior to season.
(b) Set up a field clean up day prior to season to ensure fences are in place and fields are prepared to play.
© Ensure safety protocols are met and fields are constructed according to Little League International rule book.
(d) Ensure field can be raked after games with power equipment or hand rakes. This is completed by the home coach. Ensure the tools are available to perform raking of the fields.
(e) Contact school superintendent to ensure field is mowed, or mow field as appropriate.
Concession Stand Manager – Tami Farrah- Seeking Re-election
(a) Ensure concession stands are clean prior to season start.
(b) Purchase/order concession stand inventory, based off of previous seasons most sold items.
© Set up concession stands, split inventory between both concession stands.
(d) Identify individuals to run concession stand on game days. Works with player agents to get season schedule.
(e) Work with Treasurer to get change for start of season (money kept in cash box, for change each game).
(f) Cash out and document the amount of money made for each game. Deposit money into DKLL leage account.
(g) Keep inventory of items in concession stand and purchase more as required.
(h) Ensure cleanliness of concession stands.
DKLL Updates
We’re excited! Are you? Practices officially begin next week!
Attached to this email is the parent packet with important information in it that your coach will be giving you at practices.
It is also the same information that has been posting on our Facebook Page. If you don’t follow our page now, please do! We also have our website at which we are trying to keep updated as well with some information, but usually email and Facebook are much faster.
Coaches have finished up the final touches to their practice schedules. We appreciate your patience – it’s a brain twister to schedule our 22 teams’ practices on limited field space that is shared with 3 other teams with DK and with 2 other leagues, with limited daylight … which is a great problem we are thankful to have! Now, hopefully the weather cooperates! We DO NOT have indoor practice space options once our practice and game season starts.
Game schedules ARE NOT done yet. All 12 leagues’ volunteers are still working out the details of each division’s schedules. Please do not ask for them. Your coaches will be the first to receive them once they are approved for release and we will put them on our website.
If there are any cancelations (it is Michigan weather!), our first go to is Rained Out to communicate that out fastest. We also communicate to coaches to also reach out and will put it on Facebook. But those take a little longer as they are a chain reaction to making it happen.
Rained Out will send you a text message and/or email alert if we have any cancellations one we hit that button. This is something you must sign up for to get the notifications though since they need your permission. Visit to sign up. Click on the yellow “Receive Messages” button, search for Delton Kellogg Little League, click Continue and fill in the blanks with your info. It’s FREE for you! Now, let’s just hope that the weather will be perfect each and every day for games and practices and we’ll never have to use this, right?!?
So parents, get a jumpstart on your checklist found on page 1 of the Parent Packet! Get your player’s medical release forms filled out and ready to turn in to your coach at your first practice if you picked one up at Skills Assessment. Coaches will have more if you need them. The medical release form is also attached.
And get your Background Checks completed and your New Abuse Training completed. You can turn in the form (attached to this email) or email us your first & last name, phone number & email and we can send you a link to complete it online. The directions to complete the New Abuse Training is on page 2 of the Parent Packet.
Did you know, we are not limited to just DK’s fields. We are also utilizing Aukerman’s field on Parker Rd, Prairieville’s Field on Norris Rd and Orangeville’s Fields on Lindsey Rd. We are truly blessed to have a community that is allowing us to use these resources!
Keep in mind that for insurance purposes, DKLL practices can only be held at these locations.
And as always, leave them better than you found them! Each of us represents not only ourselves, but everyone and everything we are there with and for. So pick up your trash, rake up the fields and be safe, kind, respectful & responsible
Not sure which DK field is which? There’s a map for that! It’s in the Parent Packet and on Facebook.
If you ever have a problem at any of these fields, please contact us and we will work as quickly as we can to get it resolved.
Specific Highlights for the fields we are being allowed to use:
1) At Aukerman’s field on Parker Rd, stay away from the Prairieview Farm part of it. Park along the drive next to the field. Please be respectful of the residents living there and stay out of their space. Do not wonder to or through any part of the farm.
2) At Prairieville’s field on Norris Rd, be respectful of property lines and the residents that live there. There’s an example in the Parent Packet.
3) At Field 2 at DK by the Middle School, please do not park in front of the dumpsters located in the bus loop. DK’s CSM evening custodial crew need access to them and on our game nights, they tend to be blocked by cars. Just remember to give them and their rollie cart space to maneuver. There’s an example in the Parent Packet.
4) At any of DK’s fields, please only use them as scheduled and as intended for specific division regulations out of respect for DK and for the safety of our athletes.
Don’t forget to get your spirit wear order in! We love to see lots of maroon supporting our teams at our games! Visit to place your order.
Orders are due this Sunday, April 7th and will be ready for pickup at Mid-Lakes the week of April 22nd. Just in time for Opening Day!! There are more items available in the online store than what are pictured below. Be sure to check it out!! DKLL gets a couple of dollars per item that you order. So it’s like a mini fundraiser!
Make sure you have Field Clean Up Day on your calendar! We’ll see you April 13th at 9a at Field 3 to start getting the fields game ready!
And as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions! Hit the reply buttom and it should email for you!
Let’s play ball!
The document DKLL_Parent_Packet_2024.pdf was attached to this post.
2024 Registration Open
The 2024 Delton Kellogg Registration is open from December 1, 2023 to March 2nd 2024.
Don’t hesitate!
Sign up today here: